Here is my first ever podcast!!  Click on the link below to connect to my TechQuest Project Implementation Audio Blog Entry.
Melissa White
4/20/2010 01:06:52 pm

What interesting findings. I am not surprised that they took to it easily. Also, I am not surprised that the Kindle owners did not want to lend them out. They like them!!! I think the iPad could have huge implications in the classroom too. Yes the elementary textbook and publishers are behind the 8 ball right now!

4/28/2010 12:13:28 pm

Becky, this is super. I was picturing some of the students in my room as I listened to you. I use mp3 players for listen to reading center and they picked it up very quickly. Their motivation and understandings of fluent reading increase just like your students. Sometimes just bringing their awareness to it helps them get better! I loved that your student said that the kindle read slower and that it was better than trying to follow with the teacher, who reads faster. A reminder to myself to slow down, too!

Jamie Eising
5/10/2010 10:54:03 am

You just found your money maker! Start a company that puts text book information on other devices such as the kindle. You would think that they would have it in other forms because of Universal Design. Never mind, I'm starting my own company.


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